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点击率是一个有用的衡量标准, 但许多营销人员过度依赖它来判断他们的营销活动是否成功. Taboola的Stacey Delaney分享了四种可供考虑的替代措施


如果你的品牌只关注点击率(CTR), 你可能会错过接触理想受众的宝贵机会.

While CTR is important, its importance is only within the context of other business metrics. 如果潜在客户经常走进你的实体店, 浏览你的产品, 但没人买过, 你的生意不会被认为很成功, 它会? 用户可能会点击你的广告(或走进你的商店)作为第一步. 然而, 点击之后会发生什么, 例如购买或注册, 企业在哪里沉浮.

事实上, 因为“点击率之外的指标”在彩乐园dsn中是一个非常重要的话题, IAB UK致力于 每年一整天. 今年的全国反点击率日是2022年2月14日.

简单的事实是, 说到彩乐园dsn的效果, 点击率并不能说明全部情况. 这意味着数字营销人员正在错失开拓新市场的宝贵机会, 赚更多的钱, 还能省下多余的钱.

今天, savvy business owners and marketing pros are getting ahead of their competitors by turning their attention towards other metrics that are equally, 如果不比点击率更有价值的话. 为什么? Because these metrics more accurately represent behaviours indicating targeted sales opportunities. And they point the way to more efficient marketing paths that save time and money while directly boosting measurable sales.


The problem with relying solely on CTRs as an indicator of effective marketing spending is transparency. 当你仅仅依靠点击率来评估数字营销活动的成功时, 你所衡量的只是人们点击你的广告的比率.

This can be a good measure of how attractive your ad creatives are; however, 这并不能说明全部情况.

更高的点击率并不能告诉你点击的读者是否真的买了, 所以你不能直接将点击率与销售额联系起来. 因为点击率并不能告诉你为什么观众会点击你的广告, you have no way of knowing whether your creatives are actually attracting qualified buyers. 也许用户只是想更近距离地看一张图片,然后点击浏览,但没有购买. Or maybe your ad creative doesn't make it clear that there is something to buy behind the link in the first place. 在这种情况下,你为无法转化为销售的点击付费.

即使在品牌宣传活动中,点击率也只能说明部分情况. 有多少人看到了你的广告却没有点击? 那些点击的用户是否与你的品牌相关?

而不是专门跟踪ctr, 聪明的营销人员已经将他们的注意力转向了不那么流行的数字营销统计数据. They're using them to help streamline and accelerate marketing activities and increase the value of digital marketing efforts.


有远见的品牌会根据点击率以外的指标做出营销决策, 同时也在试验新技术,以降低成本,促进销售.

例如, some brands focus on reducing cost per acquisition (CPA) and are embracing cutting-edge AI analytics to acquire attentive audiences, 而不是简单地接受高点击率作为营销成功的“证据”.

这种摆脱依赖于业务关系的营销评估的做法的结果令人印象深刻. 这些品牌专注于让自己的品牌出现在高质量的优质出版商面前, 相关的观众, and then using retargeting to reinforce their messages to audiences most closely aligned with their ideal customer.


1. 每次获取成本(CPA)

而不是衡量点击量, cost per acquisition is a measure of the cost incurred to get a single customer to complete an intended action. 行动是什么取决于你的目标:经常, 这是购买, 但它也可以是表单提交, 注册, 资源下载, 或者是完全不同的东西. CPA是通过将广告支出除以收购数量来衡量的.

Cost per acquisition can be lowered by optimising your ad creatives to be more appealing to your target audience – and less so to people who are unlikely to convert. 这可能会降低你的点击率, 但是那些点击你的广告的人更有可能采取你想要的行动.

One way to do this is to increase the clarity of your ad creatives: make it clear what you are offering and what users need to do to take advantage of the offer. 例如, 照顾我的账单, 这是一项自动切换服务,致力于为客户提供更好的能源账单, 仅仅通过在创意中添加行动召唤按钮就能将CPA降低22%. 这有助于在用户点击广告之前设定他们的期望, 基本上是预审资格, 节省“照顾我的账单”的钱.

Another way to reduce CPA is by targeting users who have previously expressed interest in your offering, 并向他们展示旨在引导他们进入下一阶段的软文内容. A special welcome offer might work well here; for example, “照顾我的账单”能够将他们的CPA降低60%,并获得10%的收益,000 new members through advertorial content targeted at users who had previously spent a significant amount of time on their website, 但没有转变.

2. 平均订单值(AOV)

Another useful measure for retailers looking to drive immediate purchase behaviour is average order value (AOV). 这是通过将您的总收入除以订单数量来计算的. Tracking AOV is important to make sure that you are maximising the potential revenue from each customer that comes through your sales funnel. 与点击率不同的是,AOV是衡量点击广告的用户价值的明确指标.

Comparing AOV across your different marketing channels can also help you assess audience quality across those channels, 并决定如何分配你的资源, 以及如何优化使用.

一个零售商发现通过Taboola获得的客户是, 平均, spending more than those acquired through Facebook might want to create separate campaigns for the two audiences. 例如, 他们可以在Taboola上向高消费群体宣传他们的忠诚度计划, 同时在Facebook上向低消费群体推广批量折扣优惠(“买两个”), 免费得到一个”).

例如,优惠和奖励是提高AOV的好方法, 你可以为购买超过一定价值的商品提供免费送货服务, or suggest other merchandise customers might like to pair with the items already in their cart.

你也可以优化你的广告创意来增加AOV. 例如, a retailer might target customers with an ad that emphasises their free shipping offer and flexible returns policy, 从而消除对客户的风险, 并鼓励他们购买更多.

3. 终身价值(LTV) & 保留率

针对采用订阅模式的广告商, 留存率和终身价值(LTV)是需要追踪的关键指标. These measures give an indication of whether consumers are just making a one-time purchase, 或者会成为忠实的客户. Retention rate measures the percentage of customers still purchasing from you after a given period of time. 生命周期价值, 另一方面, 衡量客户在其一生中为您的企业带来的总收入.

跟踪用户留存率和LTV对订阅业务尤为重要. 一个葡萄酒订阅公司可能会发现他们的广告, 哪一个促销有吸引力的彩乐园dsn报价, 获得非常高的点击率和CPC, 但这些客户中有很大一部分在利用了这项优惠后就流失了. 如果公司只跟踪点击率, they might not realise that they’re actually making a loss despite the apparent success of their campaign.

通过跟踪不同营销渠道的LTV, 营销人员可以专注于哪些渠道能带来用户,而不仅仅是转化用户, 但继续从你的品牌购买.

生命周期价值 and 保留率 can be improved by taking a proactive approach to converting new users into loyal customers. 例如, encouraging those who make a purchase to sign up to receive email communications can allow you to keep them informed of offers and encourage future purchases. Loyalty programmes that give users credit for making regular purchases are also effective at improving 保留率s.

4. 应用下载量(S2S跟踪)

对于那些希望推动应用下载量的广告商来说, 服务器到服务器(S2S)跟踪使得这很容易做到. S2S是一种不依赖于cookie的跟踪转换的安全方法. 而, 当用户点击AD或跟踪链接时, a unique identifier is generated which can be matched to determine whether or not that user converted. This is preferable to just looking at CTR because it allows you to track whether the user actually took the desired action - in this case, 下载应用程序. 你也可以使用S2S追踪应用内部事件,如安装后购买.

Most digital advertising platforms have an API available to make S2S tracking simple to set up and use. 例如, Blinkist app (which helps readers quickly grasp the main ideas of popular non-fiction books) used S2S tracking through Taboola to track app downloads, 让他们能够更好地定位他们的受众并优化他们的创意, 通向60,000新订户.

通过关注CTRs, brands miss important clues and opportunities to locate and connect with the right audiences. 而不是, consider the other metrics that could point to a more efficient path and higher quality audiences, 从而降低你的CPA,增加你当前和未来的销售额.

作者:Stacey Delaney,英国地区经理 & 北欧国家


Taboola powers recommendations for the open web, helping people discover things they may like. 

公司平台, 由人工智能驱动, 是由数字属性使用的吗, 包括网站, 设备和移动应用程序, 推动盈利和用户粘性. Taboola与世界上一些顶级的数字资产有着长期的合作关系, 包括CNBC, 英国广播公司, NBC新闻, 商业内幕, 《彩乐园dsn》和《世界报. 

超过14,000 advertisers use Taboola to reach over 500 million daily active users in a brand-safe environment. 继2021年收购connnexity之后, Taboola是推动电子商务推荐的领导者, 每月交易超过100万笔. Leading brands including Walmart, Macy’s, Wayfair, Skechers and eBay are among key customers.

欲知详情,请浏览 www.taboola.com 在推特上关注@taboola.


发布: 2022年2月8日星期二