IAB UK如何使其办公室更具气候意识


文化, 工作生活






作为零广告网的一员, IAB UK is committed to helping the advertising industry hit net zero by 2030. This case study delves into what we’re doing internally to cut our carbon footprint, in the hope that it provides your company with some helpful advice and tips on how to make similar changes.


从我们如何使用能源, 我们办公室里用的产品, we have set about reviewing internal operations to ensure that how the IAB office runs is as environmentally sustainable as possible.

As we bring the industry together at events throughout the year, we have also been working with 伊斯拉 回顾一下dsn彩乐园网址策划方法. From this process we have defined sustainability objectives that include: developing seasonal menus and ensuring that 80% of our event catering is vegetarian; communicating public transport routes to our events to all delegates; and trialling sustainable options for printed branding at our events.


This work is multi-pronged and has seen us take a number of steps, including: 

  • Reviewing when the office heating and air con is active to minimise wastage

  • 安装过滤和气泡水水龙头, 还有可重复使用的肥皂瓶, 尽量减少塑料废物

  • Installing tap flow restrictors on taps, which reduce water use by 60% 

  • Installing LED lights and occupancy sensors on lights to help prevent lights being on when staff are not in the office 


What steps have you taken to get the initiative off the ground?

There are two members of staff that are responsible for reviewing our current processes and investigating how we can make our office more eco-friendly. 弄清楚谁该为此负责, 并定期向更广泛的团队更新, has been really important in communicating changes and ensuring everyone is aware of why these are being made. A key part of this process has also been working with our landlords to change elements such as our energy supplier. 



Some steps, such as changing how the heating and air con functions, require no budget. 安装新的水龙头或电源线等步骤, do require short-term investment but they stand to save us both energy and money in the long-term. 



We estimate that we have cut our use of plastic bottles in the office by 70%, 而水龙头的流量限制减少了60%的用水量. There have been some steps we have taken - such as changing our cleaning products to eco-friendly products - which have been less successful as we noticed that they didn’t work as well. There is an element of trial and error to see what works and what doesn’t, but we are committed to keep reviewing and learning what more we can do.

When it comes to getting the wider team actively involved with our efforts, we have partnered with Thames21, a charity that works with communities across Greater London to improve waterways for people and wildlife. 作为其中的一部分, IAB employees have participated in a litter pick along the Thames, where we collected 70 bags of rubbish and attended a tree planting day in Enfield where out team planted 570 trees. 这些努力不仅有利于环境, but also help to galvanise staff and improve understanding of how we can positively impact the environment. As a result of these efforts and our work to reduce our emissions around the office and during our events, we have received our Carbon Neutral Plus Certification - meaning we offset an additional 25% on top of our total emissions.


What have you learnt that could help others looking to do something similar? 

Some steps will be easy and quick to take, but this doesn’t make them any less important. Make sure you keep the wider team updated as to why you are making these changes so they are all on board with the process and can also make suggestions. Be prepared to discuss changes with your landlord in order to review factors such as energy provider. 

"A big part of our role at the IAB is to bring the digital advertising industry together to affect change, 但说到可持续性, 重要的是,改变要从家庭开始. 我们在这方面的工作不是有限的. We have done a lot in the past year to reduce our carbon output, 但我们必须继续关注我们还能做些什么. By sharing some of the steps we have taken so far, I hope it inspires others to make similar changes."




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